nishat faruqui khan brahimi

Nishat Faru Khan

Android App - Soccer News

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I created this app with Android Studio from scratch for a school project. It was a front-end project and this was the course.

The main purpose of the app was to list items parsed from an RSS feed, with the ability to click into them to view the details, add certain items to a Favourites list, remove from Favourites, and open the item in the browser. The feed I used was for soccer news - each item was an article.

Below are some screenshots of the working app in the device emulator:

The home page with parsed data from the
RSS feed.
Tapping the question mark icon in the
top right corner opens this help dialogue box.
Tapping one of the articles opens the
parsed details (title, date, url, description).
Tapping the "Open in browser" button opens
the article on an internet browser.
Tapping the "Add to favorites" button adds
the article to a favorites list with a toast alert.
Tapping the star in the top right corner
opens the Favourites List.
Attempting to delete an item from Favourites
triggers this alert.
Tapping "YES" deletes the item and triggers
this snackbar with the option to undo.
Tapping the hamburger button in the top left
corner opens the option to launch a different
app (created by other students).

Languages used: Java, XML

None of these GIFs/images are my own. Please see the credits