nishat faruqui khan brahimi

Nishat Faru Khan

Java Console Game - Dungeons & Dragons

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As a programming assignment for school, I created this very primitive version of a D&D-like console game. Below are some examples of the game running in the console:

When the program is first run, this is the screen that is displayed.
Character types, stats and indexes are shown, and players are asked to pick
which characters to fight.
Once characters are picked, fighting rounds will begin and continue until one character
ultimately wins. All stats and info is displayed on screen for each round until the fight
is over. Once the fight ends, the player is asked if they would like to run another fight.
If "Y" is entered, then it will take the player back to the previous screen.
Additionally, even if the same characters are picked, the outcome of the fight will be
different, as you can see in the above image. This is because the character stats are
generated randomly each time the program runs, so they will always be different.
For example, a Mutant Beaver's health will be set by rolling a 4-sided di an multiplying that
number by 20; a Water Elemental's attack strength will be set by rolling a 10-sided di
and multiplying that number by 15, and so on. Ending the game prints my name.

Languages used: Java

None of these GIFs/images are my own. Please see the credits